AI BeachBoys

AI BeachBoy Jed


Hey there, I'm Jed, a 24-year-old medicine student at Cambridge University, and I recently embarked on a unique adventure as one of the models for AI BeachBoys' London-based photographer, Lance, in the video titled "Young Men as Joseph of Ancient Egypt." Join me as I share the whirlwind experience of stepping into the shoes of Joseph from biblical times, all while pursuing my dreams of becoming a doctor and finding solace in music.

It all began with a simple message pinned to the noticeboard of my gym, inviting young men to participate in a photo shoot for AI BeachBoys. Intrigued by the opportunity to try something new, I decided to take a leap of faith and respond to the call. Little did I know that this decision would lead me on a journey back in time to Ancient Egypt, where I would portray the legendary figure of Joseph.

Studying medicine at Cambridge has been a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience. The intricacies of the human body and the potential to make a difference in people's lives fuel my passion for medicine. My grandfather's battle with cancer, a disease that ultimately claimed his life, serves as a constant reminder of the importance of medical research and advancements, particularly in the field of cancer treatment. My dream is to specialize in oncology and contribute to the fight against this devastating illness, in honor of my grandfather's memory.

Outside of my studies, music has always been a source of solace and inspiration for me. Playing the guitar and piano allows me to express emotions that words alone cannot convey. I've even dabbled in songwriting, penning a few tunes that reflect my experiences and aspirations. Music has a way of transcending barriers and bringing people together, and it's a passion I hold dear to my heart.

Now, let's talk about the photo shoot with Lance. Stepping onto the set, I was immediately transported to the sands of Ancient Egypt, where Joseph's story unfolded before my eyes. Lance's attention to detail and creative vision brought the biblical narrative to life, casting us as characters in a timeless tale of resilience, faith, and redemption. Despite never having done a photo shoot before, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation as I embraced the role of Joseph, the young man who rose from slavery to become the right-hand man of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

As I posed for the camera, I couldn't help but feel a connection to Joseph's journey. Like him, I'm navigating the twists and turns of life, facing challenges and embracing opportunities along the way. The experience was not just about striking a pose; it was about immersing myself in a narrative that transcends time and space, and leaving a mark on the canvas of history.

As I eagerly await the release of the video featuring our images, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be part of something truly special. To all the viewers of AI BeachBoys, I hope our portrayal of Joseph's story resonates with you, inspiring you to embrace your own journey of growth, resilience, and faith.

So here's to the dreamers, the believers, and the adventurers, to the ones who dare to chase their dreams and make their mark on the world. As Joseph's story reminds us, even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. Here's to the journey ahead, wherever it may lead. Cheers!

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