AI BeachBoys

AI BeachBoy Benji


Benji is an amateur model who has modelled for a few videos with AI BeachBoys. He is presently reading law in London.

Benji writes: Ever since I was introduced to AI BeachBoys, I have appeared in several of their videos. I was in all the milestone videos: 1000 Subscribers, 2000 Subscribers and 5000 Subscribers. I was also in the King Midas video, and the sampling of Village People's "In the Navy" video. Mark - that's one of AI BeachBoys' photographers - once told me, "You have a face that makes people happy!" Hee hee. I hope that stays true when I graduate and am called to the bar.

I am still blown away by the wizardry at AI BeachBoys. Full respect for our AI artists. I don't fully understand the process, but things are not what they seem. A lot happens in the post production which I'm not allowed to reveal too much. What I can say is that AI BeachBoys is a fantasy channel, an escape from reality. And a good example of that is my video in the Norwegian forest, this one:

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